He had become the one I called brother how good and right to grow in affection the best of all the loves: brotherly love we shared since God from Adam’s fall redeemed and granted us this gift of our friendship which we pursued with Christian liberty.
By nature I’m not set in liberty this fallen state afflicts every brother and therefore I can ill enjoy friendship distortions in my heart taint affection from this darkness I need to be redeemed how can I be set free without great love?
To men I looked to find out that great love in bonds of lust I lost my liberty from such a fall how can I be redeemed and ever love my friend as true brother? Corruption in my heart fouls affection distorting and perverting male friendship.
During this trying time in my friendship the elders came, conflating lust and love they chose then to condemn our affection. They bound our hearts, foreclosing liberty in fear they separated my brother proclaiming ‘lust can never be redeemed!’
Is lust the thing I long to see redeemed? or do I truly want to know friendship? Oh God! Please help me to love my brother you only, God, can make me know true love and set my mind in paths of liberty Please do! That I may have pure affection.
I doubted I could know true affection but God—what Grace!—my heart has now redeemed and leads me forth in paths of liberty anew he granted me gifts of friendship surrounding me with true and godly love in Christ this man has called me his brother.
My heart tried tainting love and affection I prayed with my brother and God redeemed our friendship we enjoy in liberty.
