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Unity in the Cross

Snow at Hillcrest 3-10-17

Is this the same abortion facility that I was at two days ago?

Yes. The weather turned very quickly. So the images of Spring from Wednesday have been replaced with snow today. Undefeated Courage team members were still out in force as we reached out to those going into Hillcrest Women's Center. We put on our heavy coats and got umbrellas. Those tools helped us to continue offering help and love to those who came.

Mary in the Snow 3-10-17

Fewer abortions were done today than any other day I've been here! We don't know why, but today was a much slower day than typical. We pray that the decrease in abortions continues and that eventually no abortions are ever performed here again.

Still, two abortions were done here today.

One woman came back today, after coming last week for a pre-abortion appointment. Becky had the chance to speak with her last week, but was not able to connect with her today. Joanna* is from Lebanon, and had an abortion here because it is the closest abortion facility to her. She had all the information we were able to give her, but still had the abortion. She knew about the ministry of Susquehanna Valley Pregnancy Services. They are there to provide help to anyone facing a crisis pregnancy. We pray that any women thinking about abortion choose to get help from them.

Praying in the Garage 3-10-17

The other woman who came today did not talk to us. We pray for her. We pray that everyone involved in the abortions today finds healing through Jesus Christ. Praying is a major part of the work that we do.

Today we prayed together in the garage with the heater. God provides warmth and all that we need. I'm so thankful for the men who donated the propane to keep us warm as we continue to reach out at Hillcrest.

Today I was able to talk about the Gospel of Jesus Christ with my fellow worker. As we stood in the snow, we discussed the Cross. We talked about the way Christ gave himself for us - and how Christ still gives himself for us. Despite our differences of faith backgrounds (he is Catholic, I am part of an Anabaptist congregation), we are united in the Cross. The ground is equal at the foot of the cross. That is a cliche, but it is true. God loves all of us with the same love.

Jesus loves me and the others praying outside of the abortion facility the same as he loves those who are inside. I pray that Jesus makes that love more clear through me. Through my words. Through my presence.

Snow Cross 3-10-17

This is my pursuit.

*Names changed to protect privacy.

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